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First of all, I just want to say thank you for even taking the time to read this. I am very excited to start filming this documentary. To help support it, I started a Patreon , which is only $6 a month and will, at the very least, have a weekly blog that will be like a chapter out of a very personal book. These stories will oftentimes be very embarrassing and probably pretty dark too. I don't want to ask for donations, which is why I have put a lot of work into this blog and the Patreon . If you don't care about the blogs and just want to sign up to help out, that's cool too. But I do think my blogs on there can help show the point of view of someone with PANS from a child's perspective to an adult's. It's been a wild ride to say the least. As I said before, I have literally nothing to lose and am going to be sharing everything, no matter how ugly it is. From all the intrusive thoughts to the rages, it'll all be there. I hope there will be a somewhat positiv

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What It's Like To Have PANS


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