First of all, I just want to say thank you for even taking the time to read this. I am very excited to start filming this documentary. To help support it, I started a Patreon, which is only $6 a month and will, at the very least, have a weekly blog that will be like a chapter out of a very personal book. These stories will oftentimes be very embarrassing and probably pretty dark too. I don't want to ask for donations, which is why I have put a lot of work into this blog and the Patreon. If you don't care about the blogs and just want to sign up to help out, that's cool too. But I do think my blogs on there can help show the point of view of someone with PANS from a child's perspective to an adult's. It's been a wild ride to say the least. As I said before, I have literally nothing to lose and am going to be sharing everything, no matter how ugly it is. From all the intrusive thoughts to the rages, it'll all be there. I hope there will be a somewhat positive ending, but who knows? I also might ask if anyone wants to be included but that'll be much later. This would be at the end, showing kids who are now happy and living life after the hell they went through. But again, that's all up in the air just because of how embarrassing this all is for us. 

I also forgot to include that I plan on interviewing the "experts" to figure out why no one believes this! Also why people whether it's doctors, parents, friends, teachers, other family members, etc. don't want to try to understand any of this! Especially when there is a diagnoses and tests to prove it!!

If about 1,000 people sign up for the Patreon for a couple of months, I know I can get this going. Hopefully my treatment will start in September which is when I will start filming. I'm gonna have to max out some credit cards lmao so your support means so much to me. Truly. I know this will be a very well done doc and I really hope I can get the support to get things moving. Please consider signing up for the Patreon and share this. Thank you!!

I also made sweatshirts if anyone is interested. 

This is part of the blog that is on the Patreon now, which is about a time I saw a therapist (in high school) when no one knew/believed there was anything wrong with me. I have about a thousand more stories just like this: 

"I had this therapist when I was a senior in high school, who I actually kind of liked. Before her, I was just being passed around to different people who were all trying to tell me what to do and what was wrong with me. There was never any asking how I was or what was going on. This therapist was the first person to ever sit down with me to talk about things."


"So, to sum it up, I sat there staring at the floor, paralyzed with fear, panic, and anger while the two of them basically ripped me apart for just being a horrible person and failing at life. It was horrible. I can look back at many things and see them from different perspectives, but this was bad. I know it was. I felt so alone. More alone than ever."


"Here I was thinking I was going to tell them how much I wanted to die and how no one seemed to care, but instead, we’re just going to tell me how lazy and stupid I am. Amazing."

Upcoming Topics:

These are just ideas so let me know what you'd like to see.

-People finding out "who I really am"

-Feeling dead inside


-OCD with religion

-OCD with death

-Always being alone

-Missing literally everything in life

-No friends

-A few friends at times


-Dr Phil being used as a threat lmao (also supernanny)

-Constant psychological manipulation

And whatever else. I feel like I've experienced a lot lol so if there's anything you're wondering about I can probably talk about it.


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